Project Runway Fantasy Game Update from Mark Y

Hello, Super Fans.

Who's ready for fashion? In a nod to the circus theme of the challenge, I'm hoping Nina wears a pair of big clown shoes and HRH Michael sports a red rubber nose. I have one if he needs to borrow it.

There's buzz out there that this episode is a double elimination. I've thought that was coming all season so I'm ready for it. Anyone agree with that theory? Remember Marla and Diana?

But the scoop I'm liking is that it is a single elimination saying bye bye to one more designer and sending four designers home to design collections for Fashion Week. But, a la Rami vs Chris, only three will get to show (except that we know 10 of them already showed. It's confusing. And whatever you do, don't mention that to Gordana like I did.) And that might mean a walk off of a few looks before Fashion Week. Also makes sense to me with history repeating itself. Chris really pushed the envelope on that one.

I'm looking forward to the circus challenge which should be a hoot and a great field trip for the designers. They stepped in mud for the feedbag challenge. I can't imagine what they'll step in at the circus.

Now for a Fantasy League team. I scored negative points last week so I'm hanging my head in shame. Right now I have Jay, Mila and Seth Aaron. I haven't always been loyal to Jay, but I am not an Emilio fan and Anthony's return is too good to be true. I feel like I'm being set up.

See you all in the party room at 9:20 Mark Y Time. Oh, by the way. If any of you haven't purchased your Season Six DVD, do so. I'm enjoying it immensely. Something about the second time around and it's a lot of fun. Now if only the DVD Gods would listen to me and include all the decoy collections starting with Austin's as a bonus feature!