A fitted Perfect Dress muslin. Finally.

I apologize for having had the lamest blog ever lately.  I have made 4 or 5 muslins of McCall's 5753, the potentially Perfect Dress, and I didn't want to keep posting sob stories of how it didn't fit.  I had achieved a good fit on the bodice a few weeks ago, but when I attached the skirt, it had issues:

There was extra fabric above my derriere, and the bodice suddenly was big again. 

I took some time away from it, cut some new patterns, and went back to the dress.  I took the sides in slightly under the arm, tapering to the original waistline (size 12 waistline, which fit; so under the arm is about a size 10). 

But most importantly, the instructor at the sewing studio I've attended suggested that I make the 4 back skirt darts slightly wider (in light blue marker below) to add more three dimension to accomodate my more 3D than average derriere:

And it worked!

Ok, the darts really need to be pressed, but I think this is the one.  The top wrinkles should even out when the lining goes in, as they did in the top photo (the yellow bodice in that photo is lined).

Sadly, I am insanely happy about this dress finally working out.  I really need to get a life!  I envisioned so many iterations of this dress that I was crushed at the thought of it not working.  I'm also pleased that I'm learning how to fit.  I finally purchased Fit For Real People, and am beginning to feel that I could attempt some of the alterations on my own.

I cut the lining of the real version of this dress, which I will hopefully be able to put together by next weekend.  Stay tuned for what might be The Perfect Dress!