Lots of finished dresses on Mothers Day

Got all the girls dresses finished for Mothers Day celebration. Judy is in a mixture of Kwik Sew 3758 and an old Gap T-shirt that was to short for Long Tall Judy. She had wanted one of these dresses since they came out last year but couldn't find one that wasn't to short. She loves it. I made the skirt per the pattern and took a pen and marked on the t-shirt where I wanted the skirt to be and just sewed the elastic to the shirt in lieu of making a t-shirt per the pattern instructions.Here's pictures of Sharon and Liz in thier finished dresses. Lucked out they loved them to. Now I need to make Megan a new dress she's feeling left out. Had a wonderful Mother's Day dinner that everyone brought something for. Yummy and I didn't have to do anything. Perfect Day.