
Photo courtesy of Eric Hormell

Wow - the recappers are out in full force this week with plenty of snarky goodness for your Sunday reading pleasure. Now about that photo up there:

Eric3000 has a history with the jumpsuit...
Uncle Nick pegs AJ as Olivia Newton-John...
Laura Bennett thinks Gretchen poisoned Ivy...
Carol Hannah refuses to dislike Gretchen...
Maxthegirl wonders about Gretchen's chopsticks...
Lorraine was wrong about her title...
Elisa calls out Casanova for stuffed-puppycide...
Red Poppy struggles to spell spell auf wiedersehen...
Jordan Baker has fallen for the Gretchen edit...

Second City Style has all the best quotes...
Brigitte thinks Casanova is being kept for characther...
Miz Shoes has an ode to Jason...
Karis watched Project Runway for the very first time...
Ji Hyun liked how valerie defended Gretchen...
Annie Barrett fills in at
And Toyouke closes it out as usual.

Thank you recappers! If you have a recap to share, e-mail the link to Team BPR, deadline is midnight Saturday. See you next week!