
Photo from Nick Verreos

Uncle Nick picks Isabella Blow for the win...
Eric3000 makes Ivy some Eggs Benedict...
Laura Bennett thinks the hats are ridiculous...
Carol Hannah is all riled up...
Katnap is a fabulous newcomer...
Second City Style always delivers...
Maxthegirl pages Dr. Gretchen...
Brian may have some panty nightmares...
The Democracy Diva breaks it down...
Brigitte thinks the designers were scared by Treacy...
Lorraine may as well just go ahead and put a title up...
Jordan Baker needs a big sunhat...
And Toyouke is the anchor.

ETA: Karis sees it from a newcomers perspective and Red Poppy knows her millinery.

Thank you recappers! If you have a Project Runway recap to share, e-mail the link to Team BPR by Saturday. See you in seven.