News from Tim Gunn, Michael Kors, and Nick Verreos

Click here for an early review of "Gunn's Golden Rules."

A highlight: Tim is unabashedly honest. He cannot tell a lie. Seriously, he can’t. Because of this he has developed the most interesting sensibilities and ways to get around not lying to save face, and to be as honest as the situation calls for. He is so himself, so comfortable in his own skin that he is able to share intimate details of himself with such ease and simplicity that it seems as if you are talking to or reading your best friend's letter...

Click here for a report (and lots of photos) from Seattle's "Project Red Dress." Nick Verreos served as MC and judge for the design competition.

Project Runway judge Michael Kors has been awarded the "Lifetime Achievement Award" from the CFDA. More information here. Congratulations!